Patient before weight loss surgery
Patient after weight loss surgery transformation

Amy P.

Procedure: Gastric Sleeve

I will never forget the day that I received a call from the DFW Bariatrics office. I was traveling with my son to pick up his girlfriend and go eat at our favorite restaurant. The phone rang and I was scrambling fir my phone I answered it and the lady on the other end said, “Amy, this is DFW Bariatrics and I have some great news. I’m calling today to let you know that all your test results have come back. By this time I was speachless. She said I’m calling today to schedule you for surgery. She said do you want the first vacant appointment? I replied yes she told me that my surgery would be on the 23rd of September. I hung up the phone and started screaming. My son asked me what is it mom. I was crying. I replied its finally my time to live and be happy. I grew up in a home where my siblings and I were to be seen and not heard. My father was mentally and physically abusive to us children. Being the oldest of my siblings I was expected to be the example for them. I walked on egg shells as a young child around my father. I turned to food for comfort. As I grew into an adult my habits followed me. I tried every diet known to man. I would loose then I would gain it all back and then some. After many failed attempts I decided i would just go and see what the weight loss surgery was all about. I scheduled my consultation and for the first time in my life I felt like I was somebody. I was so excited to get home and show my husband what I discussed with the DFW Bariatric surgeon. My husband told me to go for it. So I did. Now I work out and eat healthy and I no longer am just seen I’m also heard. Thank you DFW Bariatrics not only and am I healthy and looking great I’m also confident and I am somebody!