Patient before weight loss surgery
Patient after weight loss surgery transformation


Procedure: Gastric Sleeve

This 6 month journey has been amazing. I never thought it was possible to feel as amazing as I do. Before surgery, my life consisted of coming home from work and sitting in front of the TV. I didn’t want to go outside because I hated sweating. Any amount of walking caused me heavy breathing. I lived a very sedentary life and ballooned to nearly 300 lbs (295 to be exact). My best friend had the sleeve done 7 years ago and was very successful and managed to keep it off. But I was always scared of the actual surgery since I had never had a surgery before. I had tried every diet and would loose weight then gain it back plus some every single time. I was done with the yo-yo. I finally decided to consult with DFW Bariatrics. He was kind but very honest with me explaining my life expectancy was being shortened for every year I allowed that much weight to remain on my body. I knew it was time to change my life. I started walking from day 1 at the hospital and never stopped. Something changed in my mind and every time I started making an excuse, I told myself “that’s what got you where you where”. My walking pace increased and before I knew it was jogging. In Feb I told myself I would do a 5k once a month and I’ve already completed 4, including the WipeOut 5k. I just signed up to be part of a 5 person relay team to do a relay marathon in June. I’m loving the skin I’m in and how active my life is now. Stairs are no longer impossible for me to climb, but it’s no wonder they were hard before when I was carrying almost 100 lbs extra on each step. Thank you DFW Bariatrics for giving me the tool to turn my life around so I can live life to the fullest.