Patient before weight loss surgery
Patient after weight loss surgery transformation


Procedure: Gastric Bypass

I am 44 years old and chose to the gastric bypass surgery at the age of 39. I am married and the other of 3 grown children and I have a grandson 7 years old. I had sleep apnea, water retention and had to be on medication to keep myself from drowning my own heart or to stop breathing while asleep. I was gaining 10 pounds a year on average and was well on my way to eating myself to death. I know that sounds dramatic and extreme, but it is the truth. The journey hasn’t be seamless… but it has been worth it. I can keep up with my grandson and we love to be active together. He has been my cheerleader since he was 1 yrs old. I can’t thank DFW Bariatrics enough for giving me the opportunity to have a “life” and not just live.