Patient before weight loss surgery
Patient after weight loss surgery transformation


Next to me holding my hand was my husband, Dan, my best friend. This comforted me the rest of morning waiting for surgery. When they wheeled me in I had no worries, no fear, just love and excitement for what was to come.

It has been just over 16 weeks since surgery. I have followed my B Book and soaked up every bit of support and advice each patient and DFW staff member has given to me. I completed my first 5k this February. I’ve got two more coming up in March. I see zip lining in my future and my husband wants to go scuba diving! I’ve lost 70 lbs, 3 pants sizes and 10 inches off my waist….and more to come!

It’s hard to put into words the overwhelming feeling of freedom and joy I feel having lost 70 lbs. I envision myself at the bottom of that well and with every pound I lose I’m climbing out. These first 70 pounds got me to the top. I’ve crawled out and now I’m working on cleaning myself off, stretching my legs and next I’ll be running from that well and towards a rock wall. Rock climbing anyone???

My story isn’t finished. There are parts that are sad and parts where time was wasted; but, the parts yet to be written will be the best parts and my story will have a happy ending.