Patient before weight loss surgery
Patient after weight loss surgery transformation

Jane S

Procedure: Gastric Sleeve with Duodenal Switch

My story. Wow Where do I begin. Back in November of 2005 I had the lap band procedure done. It was great for about 50 lbs. then the roller coaster started. Up 2 down 3 up 3 down 2 – then the weight started coming back and then some. I gave up and not only gained the 50 I lost but another 25. I had lost faith in myself. I had the I could care less attitude. I loved food and it was gonna be my best friend.

One day at work in May of 2013 my coworker was going in for survey. She was going to have a doctor at DFW Bariatrics do the gastric sleeve. I followed her progress along with 2 others that did the same and at DFW Bariatrics. I started asking a lot of questions. Watched their journey closely. They were losing weight. They were happy. They actually liked the way they were starting to look. Hmmm I thought. If they can do this why can’t I. Why can’t I like myself again and be happy. I was at work when I made my decision to improve my life. It wasn’t a spur of the moment decision. It’s not a fancy story of any kind. It’s was something I felt I had to do or I was gonna be miserable the rest of my life.

I made the call. I met with the team at DFW Bariatrics. And the rest is history. May 19, 2014 I found myself. The inner me came out and discovered a whole new world out there.

I had the gastric sleeve along with the duodenal switch and 148 lbs gone. My journey began and I haven’t hit the end of the road yet.