Patient before weight loss surgery
Patient after weight loss surgery transformation

Charla S

Procedure: Gastric Sleeve

My story began on July 12, 2014 – when my annual physical revealed I was “Pre-Diabetic”……in my mind that was a death sentence, my mother at 40 was diagnosed with Juvenile Diabetes and I had taken care of her and watched as it riddled her poor little 140 lb body till her death last November. I was NOT going down that road. So August 2014 – enter the DFW Team—- well you know the rest is history….I fell in love with him, his staff and the WONDERFUL group of “losers” in my “new family”!! Such support….and I needed it….. I feel better than I can EVER remember, no more pre-diabetic, no more joint pain, no more high blood pressure, no more medications……..all I take now are my vitamins!!! AND…….who would have EVER thought I would RUN three (3) 5k’s…… DFW Bariatrics doctors and staff..YOU are TRULY a blessing!!! I have lost 80 lbs which will NEVER come back… reach my goal I have 34 more to go……..and THAT will be my swan song to being OVER WEIGHT!!