Patient before weight loss surgery
Patient after weight loss surgery transformation

Kathy B

Procedure: Gastric Sleeve

As an adult, I had always struggled with my weight. After my divorce, I became very rebellious and complacent with my weight, drinking and eating whatever I wanted to at any time. This brought on a significant weight gain of 100 lbs. I felt hopeless for years until one day, after driving by DFW Bariatrics Colleyville office multiple times, I finally decided it was time to give them a call and see if I was a candidate for the gastric sleeve.

Many of my friends didn’t think I was “big enough” or “that overweight” but yet no one was willing to support me in loosing weight any other way. I knew this was my decision and something only I could do for me.

My first visit was the last turning point. The doctor sat with me and listened to any and all questions I had. I feel like he would have sat there for as long as I need to make sure I was comfortable with my decision. After going through multiple physical tests and nutrition classes, I knew I was ready to start this journey.

Oh how my life has change in the last six months! The confidence and determination I have has come out of losing 68 lbs. And while I am not quite at my goal, I now know what it will take to get there and maintain my weight loss for life. I can run and participate in races with my kids which is something I never saw myself doing. I can walk into a room of strangers and rather than want to hide against the wall or find the first person I might know in the group, I walk in with confidence hoping everyone in the room notices me. I have always been an introvert, but that is definitely changing.

Never again will I walk into my closet and wonder what is going to fit me. Now it’s more like what cute outfit can I wear today!

The DFW Bariatric team are the most caring and kind people. The support group is what gets me going every day and keeps me motivated. Without them, I would feel alone on my journey. Thank you all! It means the world to me to have my life back!