Patient before weight loss surgery
Patient after weight loss surgery transformation

Dana B

Procedure: Gastric Sleeve

I had been steadily gaining weight over the past several years. It had gotten to the point where I was out of breath just taking a shower. The kicker was when my husband was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, my Dr suggested that I get tested also. I was borderline and had cholesterol through the roof.

I was unable to do any of the things I loved to do, like walking in the park, planting a garden, take care of my chickens or riding roller coasters. My son is engaged to a fantastic girl with a 6 year old daughter. I could not do anything with her and had zero energy.

I tipped the scales at 232 pounds, but with DFW Bariatrics help, I have lost 70 pounds! This spring I raked and burned an entire acre of leaves in my yard, planted a garden and out walked my whole family at Scarborough Faire! I am working out with a personal trainer 3 times a week and I walk 3 miles a day.

I have 23 more pounds and 1.5 points to my goal weight and BMI.

Thanks DFW Bariatrics!