Patient before weight loss surgery
Patient after weight loss surgery transformation


Procedure: Gastric Sleeve

When my story begins (in late 2009), I weighed in at an overwhelming 503 pounds. Soon after, I had a major car accident and totaled my 2002 Honda Civic coupe. After the accident it occurred to me: what would have happened if I had not been able to escape the car and it had burst into flames? What if the fire department could not have cut me out and I had died? In the accident my knee went through the center stack console dash. The weight of my massive body plus the force of the impact broke the seat and the seat belt harness. That day I left my house and began walking because I did not know what else to do. I was so ashamed of who I’d become and was completely filled with emotions I did not know how to resolve. I walked until I could not walk anymore and then returned home. From that day forward, I walked in the rain, the heat, the cold, the ice…every day for a year. By the end of the year I was walking 4 miles a day and best of all had lost 98 pounds!

Then, my personal life crumbled and I went through a divorce. The stress and emotional impact took its toll on me and I gained back 45 pounds. I was determined to start again, however, my knees and back were devastated from carrying around that much excess weight for so long. My body was giving up: I’d been a diabetic for 12 years and it was getting worse. On top of this, I had a ruptured disk in my back, both knees were arthritic, my cholesterol crept into the 350 range, my kidneys were showing signs of wear, I had severe sleep apnea and high blood pressure! Most heartbreaking of all, I was alone and miserable. While going through an old box I retrieved a picture of my dad who died in 1996 of a heart attack due to heart disease. Then and there I determined I was not going to give up and pledged to outlive his 40 years. So, in 2010 at 33 years of age, I walked into DFW Bariatrics tipping the scale at 438 pounds and thus began my journey. It has been the best thing I have ever done for myself, my family and friends.After witnessing my success, many people around me have determined to live life again, improve their health and change for the better. After only one year post-op I have lost 141 pounds. And an amazing 206 pounds since the accident!!! I no longer have any of the health issues I suffered from previously. I am no longer the fat guy, or “Big Mike” as I have affectionately been referred to for the last 25 years. Now,I am an athlete. In the last year I have completed a 5k, have accomplished almost 600 miles on a bicycle in 5 months and have begun an exercise regiment that has me working out 4-6 days a week. I have gone from a pant waist size 62 to a 38 and from a 6X shirt to an XL.

I am very proud of my accomplishments and very happy for the day I saw Nate Newton talking about his experience with his doctor at DFW Bariatrics. I hope one day to meet him and thank him for telling his story which changed my life. Who knows, maybe we could take a 20 mile ride together! I understand he is an avid cyclist as well. Thank you, DFW Bariatrics and the “Live Life Again” staff, for all your support and encouragement. Thank you for giving me back my life!