Patient before weight loss surgery
Patient after weight loss surgery transformation

Carl R.

Procedure: Gastric Sleeve

My Story: Weighing in at over 500 pounds at my heaviest, on my 28th birthday I realized I might not be around to see my 30th. I worked out, changed some habits and still couldn’t loose a substantial amount of weight. It was my 30th birthday that really made me reconsider having surgery. I was diagnosed with diabetes, hypertension and began having knee trouble.

July 11, 2011 was the first day of my new life. After the gastric sleeve I am slightly over 300 pounds and that number drops every week! I no longer take diabetic medicine nor do I take hypertension medication either. I work out every day, I take jogs through the neighborhood and I enjoy doing activities out doors.

Besides getting on a plane without a seat belt extension, I can now ride roller coasters at theme parks again. It has been over 6 years since I was at a theme park. The most humiliating day of my life was when they removed me from a coaster because I was too big. The safety device wouldn’t latch. From that day forward theme parks were my least favorite. It’s funny how I always said I hated roller coasters after that, and really it was a size issue. I feel like I am now living the life I should have lived when I was 21. I am actually lighter now than when I was 21. Living Life Again at 31! Praise the Lord!