How To Exercise As A Family

Do you want your whole family to be healthy, but you’re not sure how to do it?

How do you get everyone motivated to do something fun and healthy together? It can be done!

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend 30 minutes of moderate activity a day for adults and 60 minutes for kids. So, as a parent, you should start modeling good habits now that your kids can use for a lifetime. Start by rethinking the idea of a “workout.” The goal is to have an active lifestyle, rather than just going to the gym or lifting weights.
Here are some suggestions to get everyone moving:

  1. Go for a walk after dinner. Now that the weather is nice and it stays light later, have the family walk around the neighborhood after dinner. The kids can get in on the fun by riding tricycles, scooters or bikes. This can also prevent the unhealthy snacks after dinner because of boredom.
  2. Turn up the music and dance. The kids love it and you will burn off calories while having fun and making memories together.
  3. Sneak “mini workouts” into other activities:
    • Let the kids walk at the grocery store, instead of riding in the cart
    • Park farther away from the store to get in a few extra steps
    • Walk to and from school, if possible
    • Take the stairs at the mall, at the doctor’s office, anywhere that you have the choice
  4. Family game night can become, “active family game night.” Choose options like Wii Fit, Twister, Croquet or yard bowling.
  5. Schedule family outings that keep you active:

    • Take a trip to the zoo or museum
    • Take a tour of all of the parks and playgrounds in your community
    • Ride your bikes at the park or around the lake

By making a few different choices, you and your family can get healthy and active!